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Broken Dreams at the Kitchen Sink

As I was doing dishes just now, I was reminded of one of my lifelong dreams.
Quickly though, my heart grew heavy as I remembered that my dream is gone.

As my soul sank into the sadness, it wasn’t long before I heard Your comforting voice.

You and I have gone over this many times.
My pain from the loss…..and then remembering I can trust You.

You remind me that my dreams are safe with You.

Lord, no dream I have for myself is bigger
than the dream You have for me.

If I yearn for something but You don’t grant it, I can trust that you are taking care of me,
because that is the kind of God You are.

 All things work together for my good, You remind me.

You have truly taught me that no dream without Your blessing is worth pursuing.

I understand Lord, that sometimes one dream dies so that another can begin.

Sometimes one dream only lives a short while,
preparing me for a new way of lifting You up.

O Lord, You are worthy to be lifted up.  I trust the closed doors You give me.

Thank you for allowing me to grieve my dream.  You are so compassionate.

Lord, please help me as I continue to choose to be content with the plans You have for me.

When I start to get upset and think things should be different, please remind me quickly that I can trust You.

Please help me to keep my eyes on Your heart and Your intentions toward me.

Thank You for the knowledge of Your Word.  Its Truth is why I can have peace.

I am ok now Lord.

Thank You for helping me get through that sadness with victory.

Thank you for being with me when I do dishes!

Thank you for being my best Friend.

..the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away;
blessed be the name of the Lord.
Job 1:21b

Though he slay me,
yet will I trust in Him:
Job 13:15